Econometrics of Policy Evaluation (ECON 474) - Fall 2021 (4.5/5), Spring 2022 (4.5/5)
This course will introduce you to modern applied econometric methods. Topics include but are not limited to randomized trials, regression, differences-in-differences, instrumental variables, and regression-discontinuity designs. Along with classes, lab sessions expose students to programming tools for causal inference. By the end of the semester, you will know how to approach empirical problems and answer your own causal research questions using .
Syllabus Course website Class materials
Urban Economics (ECON 414) - Fall 2020 (4.6/5), Spring 2021 (4.3/5)
This course will introduce you to core issues and recent advances in urban economics. The first part develops canonical models of urban economics to explain spatial regularities within and across cities, and presents the market forces that cause cities to grow. Then, topics such as housing, neighborhood effects, congestion, local government, segregation, violence, and disease are analyzed. Along with classes, lab sessions expose you to practical tools in data science such as data cleaning, visualization, and mapping with the use of programming language. By the end of the semester, the student will have a good understanding of the economic approach to cities and will be comfortable using .
Syllabus Course website Class materials
Teaching Assistant
Economic Statistics II (ECON 203) - Fall 2018 (4.4/5), Spring 2019 (4.9/5), Fall 2019 (5/5), Spring 2020 (4.4/5)