Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis

Marcelino Guerra

Last update: 04/29/2021

Homicide rates in US counties 1990

The data

In this exercise, we will use data from US counties in 1990. Here you have the original data set with homicide rates and other variables from 1960 to 1990, and the reference is Baller et al. (2001).

The data used in this exercise you can find here. If you are having problems with the .rar file, download the .shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj separately.

The first step is to set up your working directory using setwd(), placing all the necessary data in the same folder.


Also, call all the library()s you need to perform the following tasks:

libs<-c("tidyverse","rgdal","ggplot2","ggthemes","tmap", "spdep")
lapply(libs, library, character.only = TRUE)

Reading the shapefile

To read the .shp file baller2001, use the function readOGR().


Check the dataframe attached to the shapefile using View(homic@data). There you have socio-economic variables as well as homicide rates per 100,000 (HR90) and three-year average homicide counts (HC90) per US county in 1990. In the rest of the exercise, we work with rates (HR90).

Maping homicide rates in 1990 across US counties

Check the Rlab 4 for more details on the use of tmap. The following code give you a interactive map of homicide rates:

              palette = "OrRd", 
              title="Homicide Rate 1990", 
              popup.vars=c("State"="STATE_NAME", "Homicide Rate (1990) "="HR90", "Total Population"="PO90", "Average Number of Murders"="HC90" ))+

Indeed, the homicide rates were much higher in the southern counties than in the rest of the country. Also, those counties with high homicide rates are somehow clustered, evidencing positive spatial autocorrelation. In other words, the values of homicide rates are systematically related to specific geographic locations.


Defining proximity with first-order contiguity weights

The first-order contiguity means that two spatial units will be considered neighbors when they share a common border of non-zero length. Here we use both queen and rook to define the elements of the \(W\) matrix.


To build a neighbors list based on contiguous boundaries, use the function poly2nb() from spdep package. Use queen=FALSE if you want to apply the rook criterion, and summary() will give you the number of links and other important information.

rook<-poly2nb(homic, queen = FALSE)
## Neighbour list object:
## Number of regions: 3085 
## Number of nonzero links: 17190 
## Percentage nonzero weights: 0.1806199 
## Average number of links: 5.572123 
## Link number distribution:
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   13 
##   24   41  108  376  864 1007  484  135   38    6    1    1 
## 24 least connected regions:
## 44 48 584 642 836 1196 1376 1401 1441 1463 1469 1522 1530 1531 1542 1595 1604 1652 1736 1766 1774 2891 2892 2918 with 1 link
## 1 most connected region:
## 605 with 13 links

To see the related contiguity map:

plot(homic, main="Rook")  
plot(rook, coords=coordinates(homic), pch = 19, cex=.8, add = TRUE, col= "red")

The final step is to convert the nb object that you just created (rook) to a listw object, where you have the respective row-standardized weights (style="W").

rook_listw <- nb2listw(rook,style="W")


The code is almost the same as before, but now use queen = TRUE inside the function poly2nb.

queen<-poly2nb(homic, queen = TRUE)
queen_listw <- nb2listw(queen,style="W")

Defining proximity with distance-based criterion

Another way to characterize a neighborhood is to rely on geographical distance. One example is the k-nearest neighbor criterion. First, you need to get the coordinates of the centroids and then use the kneareigh() function defining how many neighbors you are considering (here, we get the ten closest neighbors of an area). To transform the knn object you got into a neighbors list (nb), use the function knn2nb().

knn<-knearneigh(coords, k = 10, longlat = TRUE)
# summary(knn_nb)

To see the related contiguity map:

plot(homic, main="10-nearest neighbors")  
plot(knn_nb, coords=coordinates(homic), pch = 19, cex=.8, add = TRUE, col= "red")

The final step is to convert the nb object that you just created (knn_nb) to a listw object, where you have the respective row-standardized weights (style="W").

knn_listw <- nb2listw(knn_nb,style="W")

Now you are ready to create spatially lagged variables and compute Moran’s I and LISA statistics.

Spatially lagged variables and Moran’s I

To illustrate the construction of spatially lagged variables, let’s convert the nb object into a row-standardized matrix using nb2mat(). Note that from here until the end of the exercise, we keep using 10-nearest neighbors to characterize the neighborhood of a county. Check the knn_mat using View(knn_mat) - does it look like a bigger version of the row-standardized matrix we saw here? To get the \(Wx\) values, one can manually multiply \(W\) (knn_mat) and the column HR90 (that would be our \(x\)).

knn_mat<-nb2mat(knn_nb, style="W")
##       [,1]
## 1 1.851279
## 2 4.911186
## 3 6.023838
## 4 4.993681
## 5 5.285871

The better way to get spatially lagged variables is to use the function lag.listw(). There you need two inputs: the variable you want to get its average neighborhood values and the weight matrix you are using (it has to be a listw object, so we use knn_listw).

homic$w_HR90<-lag.listw(knn_listw, homic$HR90)
head(homic$w_HR90, 5)
## [1] 1.851279 4.911186 6.023838 4.993681 5.285871

Next, we get the scatterplot of homicide rates and the spatially lagged homicide rates. One can see the strong and positive spatial autocorrelation.

g1<-ggplot(homic@data, aes(x=HR90, y=w_HR90, label=NAME)) + geom_point(color="darkorange")+
  stat_smooth(method = "lm", formula =y~x, se=F, color="darkblue") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Spatially lagged Homicide Rates 1990") +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Homicide Rates 1990")+
  theme_economist_white(base_size = 17, gray_bg=FALSE)+

ggplotly(g1, tooltip = c("label", "x", "y"))

To better assess the presence of spatial autocorrelation, one can run the Moran’s I test:

moran.mc(homic$HR90, knn_listw, 999)
##  Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data:  homic$HR90 
## weights: knn_listw  
## number of simulations + 1: 1000 
## statistic = 0.37181, observed rank = 1000, p-value = 0.001
## alternative hypothesis: greater

The Moran’s I from the dataset is 0.3718. That value was compared to the other Is coming from 999 resampled datasets given the adopted spatial weighting scheme (10-NN). According to the result (p-value 0.001), one can reject the null hypothesis: the data are not randomly distribute over space.

Another way to get Moran’s I is to run a simple regression between \(Wx\) and \(x\):

reg<-lm(w_HR90~HR90, data=homic@data)
## Call:
## lm(formula = w_HR90 ~ HR90, data = homic@data)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -28.8453  -2.3959  -0.7101   2.1191  16.5264 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 3.868627   0.088105   43.91   <2e-16 ***
## HR90        0.371809   0.009711   38.29   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 3.581 on 3083 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.3223, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3221 
## F-statistic:  1466 on 1 and 3083 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

One can see that the coefficient associated to HR90 is 0.3718 (the Moran’s I). Remember that \(I=\frac{z'Wz}{z'z}\)!

LISA map

The local spatial statistic LISA is calculated for each spatial unit (given the neighborhood structure imposed) using the function localmoran(). Since we are running multiple hypothesis tests, we need to adjust for that using p.adjust.method="fdr". I am storing the results in a data frame called locali. We are looking for the associated p-values for each region (column 5), so I store those values in a column named localp in our spatial data frame homic.

locali<-as.data.frame(localmoran(homic$HR90, knn_listw, alternative = "two.sided", p.adjust.method="fdr"))


Before constructing the LISA map, the last step is to scale both the spatially lagged values of homicide rates (w_HR90) and homicide rates (HR90).


You manually separate each statistically significant result into four areas: High-High, Low-Low, High-Low, and Low-Low. All the regions with p-values higher than .05 will be considered “Not significant”.

homic$label <- NA
homic$label[homic$HR90_std >= 0 & homic$w_HR90_std >= 0 & homic$localp <= 0.05] <- "High-High"
homic$label[homic$HR90_std <= 0 & homic$w_HR90_std <= 0 & homic$localp <= 0.05] <- "Low-Low"
homic$label[homic$HR90_std >= 0 & homic$w_HR90_std <= 0 & homic$localp <= 0.05] <- "High-Low"
homic$label[homic$HR90_std <= 0 & homic$w_HR90_std >= 0 & homic$localp <= 0.05] <- "Low-High"
homic$label[homic$localp > 0.05] <- "Not Significant" 

## [1] "Not Significant" "High-Low"        "High-High"       "Low-High"

As you can see, there were no Low-Low areas according to the Local Moran’s I statistics. Low-low areas would represent counties with very low homicide rates surrounded by areas with very few murder rates.

              palette = c("red3", "coral", "skyblue",  "#FFFFFF") ,
              title="LISA map - Homicide Rates 1990",
              popup.vars=c("State"="STATE_NAME", "Homicide Rate (1990) "="HR90", "Total Population"="PO90" ))+

Moran’s scatterplot

Here is a fancy way to construct the Moran’s scatterplot using also the information of local Moran’s I statistics:

g1<-ggplot(homic@data, aes(HR90_std, w_HR90_std,color=label, label=NAME))+ 
  theme_fivethirtyeight() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 'dashed')+ 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 'dashed')+ 
  scale_colour_manual(values=c("red3", "coral", "skyblue",  "#FFFFFF"))+ 
  labs(x = "Homicide Rates 1990", y="Spatially Lagged Homicide Rates 1990")+ 
  theme(axis.text=element_text(size=18),axis.title=element_text(size=18,face="bold"), legend.text=element_text(size=15))+
  ggtitle("Moran's I: 0.3718")


If you want a interactive plot, use ggplotly():

ggplotly(g1, tooltip = c("label", "x", "y"))